Certificate Programme in
Labour Law and Industrial Relations
(TVEC Registered)
Duration: | 12 Days – Every Wednesday |
Medium: | English |

Certificate Programme in
Labour Law and Industrial Relations
(TVEC Registered)
Duration: 12 Days – Every Wednesday
Medium: English
Programme Objectives
This programme has been designed to;
Programme Outline
- An Overview of Industrial Relations and Legal Framework in Sri Lanka;
- The Contract of Employment and Types of Employment;
- Outsourcing Arrangements;
- Employee Misconduct, Disciplinary Procedure and Punishment;
- The Shop and Office Employees Act and Work Arrangements;
- The Wages Boards Ordinance and Decisions of the Wages Boards;
- Wage Fixation Mechanism in Sri Lanka;
- The Laws Governing Employment of Women & Young Persons;
- Industrial Disputes Act and Resolution of Industrial Disputes;
- Labour Tribunals and the Just & Equitable Jurisdiction;
- Termination of Employment (Special Provisions) Act;
- Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining in Sri Lanka;
- Trade Union Recognition, Trade Union Rights & Action;
- International Labour Standards (ILS);
- Non–Discriminatory Employment Practices;
- The Factories Ordinance;
- Laws Relating to Occupational Safety and Health at the Workplace;
- The Workmen’s Compensation Ordinance;
- Superannuation Benefits;
- Negotiations at the Workplace;
- Dealing with Sexual Harassment at the Workplace;
- Employee Grievance Handling;
- Workplace Cooperation.
Training Methodology
Different methods such as, online lectures, participatory discussions, case-studies,
videos, individual assignments, assessments, research/referencing have been
adopted to make the content interesting and relevant. The programme as a whole will
have a very practical focus on Labour Law and Industrial Relations. During the
course, participants will be required to complete and submit tasks within deadlines.
Sessions are conducted in class, face to face learning style and all registered
participants are expected to participate sessions.
For whom
Employees from various business and industrial sectors; practitioners in the field of
industrial and employment relations from the private sector; human resources and
industrial relations managers and personnel of human resources departments
dealing with industrial and employment relations; officials from financial and
administration departments; lawyers, trainers, consultants, researchers and graduate
students wishing to pursue a career in the field of industrial and employment
Investment & Enrollment
EFC Members Rs. 75,000 +taxes (Rs.90,712.50)
Non-Members Rs.90,000 + taxes (Rs.108,855.00)
The programme is conducted twice a year in the English medium.