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EFC’s HR IR Forum Champions Green Initiatives: A Glimpse into Sustainability Leadership

EFC’s HR IR Forum Champions Green Initiatives: A Glimpse into Sustainability Leadership

The Employers’ Federation of Ceylon (EFC) convened its HR IR Forum on 17th November 2023, centered around the theme, “Green Dreams, Sustainable Realities; Empowering Enterprises through Eco-Initiatives.” Case studies presented by industry leaders provided profound insights into the transformative power of sustainable practices.

Sharika Senanayake, Director, MAS Foundation for Change, unveiled their impactful initiatives aimed at combatting ocean pollution and safeguarding waterways. In her presentation, she emphasized the diminishing value of reusing plastic containers and highlighted the critical need for heightened environmental awareness. Sharika introduced the Foundation’s innovative solution – ‘Ocean Strainers’. These trash traps, strategically positioned across canals leading to the ocean, intercept plastic waste, preventing its entry into the ocean. The foundation has successfully implemented 34 Ocean Strainers and aims to install 200 strainers by 2025, focusing on the most polluted rivers and urban canals in Sri Lanka.

Siam City Cement (Lanka) Ltd. (INSEE Cement), outlined its sustainable ambitions for 2030, emphasizing key focus areas including Climate and Energy, Biodiversity and Water, Circular Economy, Community and Stakeholder Engagement, and Occupational Health and Safety. Rohan Lakmal, Senior Manager – Sustainability and CSR, representing INSEE Cement, detailed the groundbreaking INSEE Co-Processing Facility, a unique thermal treatment process managing industrial waste. This facility, the only one of its kind in the country, converts hazardous waste into thermal energy, demonstrating INSEE Cement’s commitment to circular economy principles. He also underlined the importance of social impact assessments and highlighted the key factors; a competent team, top management support, commitment, and passion – essential for successful innovations.

Deshani Rathnayake, Manager Human Resource Development & Compliance of Noritake Lanka Porcelain (Pvt) Limited shared their sustainable initiatives, emphasizing their dedication to preserving the Knuckles Mountain Range through reforestation programs. The company revealed ambitious plans to plant nearly 173,000 trees by 2050, collaborating with various stakeholders to enhance environmental conservation.

The EFC’s HR IR Forum served as a platform for these exemplary organizations to spotlight their eco-initiatives, encouraging a broader commitment to sustainable business practices in Sri Lanka. The presentations underscored the transformative potential of proactive environmental stewardship and collaborative efforts toward a greener, more resilient future.