Train and Grow with Us
Our dedicated resource faculty for Training and Certifications focus on providing the necessary training and development solutions to both member and non-member organisations. We have a combined strength of inhouse expertise who possess academic qualifications and hands-on experience in the fields of Labour Law, Human Resource Management and Employment related matters.
Train and Grow with Us
Our dedicated resource faculty for Training and Certifications focus on providing the necessary training and development solutions to both member and non-member companies. We have a combined strength of inhouse expertise who possess academic qualifications and hands-on experience in the fields of Labour Law, Human Resource Management and Employment related matters.

Training Mix
Designed and delivered by our own professional staff and network of industry experts, the programmes will help you demonstrate your commitment to good practices. As the Labour Authorities expect employers to take necessary steps to ensure legal compliance, the need for proactive training is almost obligatory for any organisation. The EFC Training and Certifications Unit is geared to offer you with a variety of programmes to suit your organisational training needs.
EFC Executive Diploma in Employment Relations (Offered in partnership with the ITC-ILO)

The Executive Diploma is an exceptional partnership between the Employers’ Federation of Ceylon (EFC) and the International Training Centre (ITC) of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The EFC is the first national employers’ organisation to hold an accreditation with the ITC ILO to offer the Executive Diploma in Employment Relations in conformity with the Sri Lanka Qualifications Framework (SLQF).

The Executive Diploma is an exceptional partnership between the Employers’ Federation of Ceylon (EFC) and the International Training Centre (ITC) of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The EFC is the first national employers’ organisation to hold an accreditation with the ITC ILO to offer the Executive Diploma in Employment Relations in conformity with the Sri Lanka Qualifications Framework (SLQF).
EFC Certificate Programmes (Registered with TVEC)
Short Programmes, Seminars and Workshops
Company-based Customised Training

Labour Law and IR

Management Development

Occupational Safety and Health

Plantation Sector Training

Inclusion Training
A forum where industry specialists are invited to share their experiences/benchmark practices on areas of topical interest.